The Legion of Mary is an association of Catholic laity who serve the church on a voluntary basis. It was founded in Dublin, Ireland, by a layman, Frank Duff, as a Roman Catholic Marian organization. Currently there are three million active members worldwide and approximately ten million auxiliary members. The main purpose of the Legion is the spiritual growth of its members.
The Legion at Our Lady of Knock Parish, named Our Lady of Lourdes St Mary Star of the Sea, meets in the Hospitality Room adjacent to the Gathering Space, on Monday evenings.
Active Legion membership is open to men and women at least 18 years of age who are practicing Catholics. Active members are expected to attend a weekly meeting, where they pray together and report on their activities undertaken on behalf of the Legion.
Some of the wonderful ministries performed by the Active Members of the Legion of Mary include:
Visiting the homebound, those in convalescent homes and assisted living homes
Attending wakes and funerals
Catechizing the young and adults
Promotion of the Rosary
The Legion also has an Auxiliary wing for those who are unable to assume the duties of Active membership. The Auxiliary service is open to all ages and the primary service is to say the prayers in the Tessera (Invocations, Rosary and Catena) for the Blessed Mother's intentions.